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Moving with Children: 3 Things To Discuss with Your Child

By Two Twigs Moving

As a parent, open communication is crucial to help your child understand, cope, and even embrace this transition. Here are three vital discussions to have with your child when preparing for a move:

1. Understanding How Your Child Is Feeling:

Moving can evoke a range of emotions in children, from excitement and anticipation to anxiety and sadness. It’s essential to create a safe space for your child to express their feelings and concerns. Initiate conversations by asking open-ended questions, such as:

  • “How do you feel about the upcoming move?”
  • “What are you most excited about in our new home?”
  • “Is there anything about the move that worries you?”

Encourage them to share their thoughts, and listen attentively without judgment. Validate their emotions and assure them that it’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. By understanding their feelings, you can address specific concerns and provide the necessary support.

2. Discussing the Impact on Friendships:

For children, leaving behind friends can be one of the most challenging aspects of moving. Discuss the changes they might experience in their social circles and address their concerns about making new friends. Here are some points to cover:

  • Exploring New Friendships: Emphasize the opportunity to make new friends in the new neighborhood or school. Share positive stories about how they’ve successfully made friends in the past.
  • Maintaining Connections: Discuss ways to stay in touch with old friends. Set up video calls, encourage letter writing, or plan visits during holidays to maintain those meaningful connections.
  • Involving Them in the Process: If possible, involve your child in activities related to the move, such as choosing their new room’s decor or researching local clubs or activities where they can meet new friends.

By openly discussing the impact on friendships, you empower your child to take an active role in shaping their social experiences during and after the move.

3. Addressing the Safety of the New Location:

Children may have concerns about the safety of the new location, especially if it’s unfamiliar to them. Addressing these concerns head-on can alleviate anxiety and help them feel more secure. Consider the following points in your discussion:

  • Safety Features: Highlight any safety features of the new home, such as a secure backyard, a nearby park, or a friendly neighborhood.
  • Community Resources: Discuss the availability of essential community resources, such as schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas. Show them that their well-being is a priority.
  • Explore Together: Take the opportunity to explore the new location together. Visit local parks, schools, and other points of interest. Familiarize your child with the surroundings to build a sense of comfort and security.

By openly addressing safety concerns, you reinforce the idea that their well-being is a priority, helping them feel more at ease in the new environment.

Moving with children requires thoughtful communication and a proactive approach to address their unique needs and concerns. By discussing how your child is feeling, acknowledging the impact on friendships, and addressing the safety of the new location, you provide them with the reassurance and support they need during this significant life transition. Remember, maintaining open lines of communication fosters a sense of trust and understanding, creating a foundation for a positive experience as your family embarks on this new chapter together.

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