701 Atando Ave Suite P, Charlotte, NC 28206

(704) 728-0195

Things People Often Forget to Do When Moving

By Two Twigs Moving

Despite careful planning and organization, there are certain things that people often overlook or forget to do during the moving process. Here are some common things that tend to slip through the cracks:

  1. Forward Mail and Update Address: One of the most commonly overlooked tasks when moving is updating your address with the postal service and relevant institutions. Make sure to forward your mail to your new address to avoid missing important correspondence. Additionally, update your address with banks, credit card companies, utilities, insurance providers, and other essential services to ensure a smooth transition.
  2. Transfer Utilities and Services: Don’t forget to arrange for the transfer or setup of utilities and services at your new location. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, cable, and phone services. Contact your utility providers well in advance to schedule disconnection at your current address and activation at your new address. Failing to transfer utilities can lead to inconvenience and unexpected disruptions after you move in.
  3. Notify Important Contacts: Informing friends, family members, employers, healthcare providers, and other important contacts about your upcoming move is crucial. Make a list of key contacts and notify them of your change of address and contact information. This ensures that you remain accessible and can continue to receive important communications and support during and after your move.
  4. Update Subscriptions and Memberships: If you have magazine subscriptions, gym memberships, or other recurring services tied to your current address, don’t forget to update them with your new address or cancel them if necessary. Similarly, update your address information for online shopping accounts, streaming services, and loyalty programs to avoid missing deliveries or losing access to services.
  5. Transfer School and Medical Records: If you have children enrolled in school or receive medical care from specific providers, remember to transfer their records to their new school or healthcare facility. This ensures continuity of care and minimizes disruptions in education or medical treatment. Contact the respective institutions well in advance to initiate the transfer process.
  6. Secure Important Documents: Gather and safeguard important documents such as passports, birth certificates, social security cards, insurance policies, financial records, and legal documents. Pack these documents separately and keep them with you during the move rather than placing them in boxes that will be transported by movers. This ensures quick access to essential documents in case of emergencies or unexpected needs.
  7. Dispose of Hazardous Materials: Before packing your belongings, take inventory of any hazardous materials or substances that you may have in your possession. Dispose of or properly pack items such as cleaning supplies, batteries, paint, pesticides, and flammable materials according to local regulations. Many moving companies have restrictions on transporting hazardous materials, so it’s essential to handle them appropriately before moving day.
  8. Plan for Pet Care: If you have pets, don’t forget to make arrangements for their care during the moving process. This may include scheduling a pet sitter, boarding your pets at a kennel, or arranging for temporary accommodations at your new location. Ensure that your pets have access to food, water, medication, and familiar comforts to reduce stress during the transition.
  9. Prepare Your New Home: In the midst of packing and organizing at your current residence, it’s easy to overlook preparations for your new home. Take the time to clean, inspect, and prepare your new space before moving in. This includes deep cleaning, conducting necessary repairs or renovations, and arranging for utilities and services to be activated. By preparing your new home in advance, you can enjoy a smoother transition and settle in more comfortably.
  10. Say Goodbye to Your Current Community: Moving is not just a physical transition but also an emotional one. Take the time to say goodbye to friends, neighbors, coworkers, and community members before you leave. Host a farewell gathering, exchange contact information, and express gratitude for the memories and relationships you’ve formed. Saying goodbye helps to provide closure and leaves you with fond memories as you embark on your new journey.

Moving is a complex process that involves numerous tasks and responsibilities. By being mindful of these common things that people often forget to do when moving, you can ensure a smoother and more successful transition to your new home or office. Taking the time to address these overlooked tasks can help to minimize stress, prevent disruptions, and facilitate a more positive moving experience overall.

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